A Protocol of Fear, Brutality and Death

Based on Mordverläufe by Manfred Franke
Translation to Hebrew: Roni Lubianiker and Ilana Hamerman

Created by Ruth Kanner

Music: Mika Danny
Stage design: Sivan Weinstein 
Lighting design: Shaked Vax
Multimedia: Guy Godorov
Actors: Ronen Babluki, Shirley Gal, Dafna Harkabi, Adi Meirovitch, Guy Salman, Tali Kark

Premiere: April 2008


The writer reconstructs the acts of violence committed against the Jewish citizens of the Reich during “Kristallnacht.” As an adult returning to the scene of the crime of his childhood, he reveals and exposes the mechanisms of moral evasion, vague and ambiguous talk, and turning blind eyes that made it possible for what was done to be done.

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