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An arena for encounters of texts and thoughts from – Interruptions: A Laboratory for Theory and Practice in the Theatre
An Imperial Message
Based on texts by Franz Kafka
Translated by Ilana Hammerman
Additional Translations: Moshe Ben-Menahem | Shimon Sandbank | Abraham Carmel (Kreppel) | AlaaEldinNada | Tali Konas| Yeshurun Keshet
Created by Ruth Kanner
In collaborationwith the group: Shirley Gal| Siwar Awwad | Ronen Babluki | Adi Meirovitch | Jan Kühne | Ruth Schor | Adi Chawin | Arnon Rosenthal | Tali Kark
“The Emperor—so they say—has sent a message, directly from his death bed, to you alone, his pathetic subject, a tiny shadow which has taken refuge at the furthest distance from the imperial sun…”
(From ‘An Imperial Message’ by Franz Kafka, translated by Ian Johnston)
During the months of November 2019 to January 2020 our theatre group joined forces with researchers from around the world to ask questions about interruptions – as a concept, an idea, a possibility, a tool, a hazard or an opportunity.
We met several times a week at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem and in our studio in Kfar Azar; we talked, thought, watched, listened, tried, shouted, walked, asked questioned, argued, we wondered far and stayed close; and so, we created ‘An Imperial Message’, a performance that through a cyclic, evolving, multilayered and trilingual (Hebrew, Arabic and German) sequence of Kafka’s texts, tries to express thoughts, interpretations and questions raised in the lab’s work on the concept of interruption, from a theatrical perspective.
January 1-2, 2020
The Hebrew University – Givat Ram Campus
The National Library Building & The Institute for Advanced Studies (Feldman)