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A special event to mark the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.
Scenes from “Discovering Eliyahu” accompanied by a conversation with the creator and director, Ruth Kanner
With: Shirley Gal, Tali Kark, Ronen Babluki, Adi Meirovitch, Doron Ronen
Discovering Elijah is an attempt to re-evoked the earth-shattering event of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, through S. Yizhar’s extraordinary text, penetrating the surface down to the bare scream, to the very depths of horror, raising moral issues that seep through.
The stage production presents a disintegrated reality, a reality made of fragments that have lost their normal contexts. It attempts to dismantle, and then reexamine, the particles constituting war: words, images, violent impulses, fear and its concealment, running, souls departing from the battlefield, the search of consolation. The investigation of events involves an investigation of the modes of representation of the local narrative of war and tales from the battlefield, to create a text that reaches past the surface to the naked scream beneath, to the depths of horror, to that place of intimacy between man and his own vulnerability, to the very thin line that separates life from death.
The play won the first prize at the 2001 Acco Festival. From the jury’s reasoning:
“S. Yizhar’s deep and complex prose becomes in the hands of the director Ruth Kenner a fascinating performance with a unique and highly inspired theatrical language. Brilliant, sensitive and meticulous direction, touching and dedicated actors’ work, stage design, lighting and music all come together into one whole that has a penetrating and moving statement.”
A special event Tel Aviv Museum of Art alongside the Exhibition: ‘Kippur, War Requiem’ by Amos Gitai, which includes a guided tour of the exhibition.
September 20 at 20:00 | for tickets >>