Stories for children, told by actors of
The Ruth Kanner Theater Group

Collected and arranged by Shlomo Ariel and Ruth Kanner
Storytellers: Ronen Babluki,
Shirley Gal, Adi Meirovich

Design: Kineret Kish
Project manager: Tal Harari

Premiere: February 2012


Very soon we’ll go to there
Don’t ask why, you shouldn’t care
We’ll explore the routes and trails
Of a world full of tales
Make believe! Imagination
Has no end, no final station
And if you’re frightened you will find
The way to Here you left behind

The actors of The Ruth Kanner’s Theater Group tell stories of the classics of Hebrew children’s literature:

The Magic Car, adapted from a story by Daliah Rabikovich
The Boy in the Forest, by H.N. Bialik
Racheli’s Wonder Shoes, by Fania Bergshtein
A chapter from The Tales of Micky Mahu, by Avraham Shlonsky
Shush, an Adventure Journey of a Little Sea Horse, by Shlomo Ariel

These story express children’s yearning to liberate their imagination, test the limits of their power and discover what is beyond their familiar world.
*The event is suitable for 5-8 year old children