After Moshe Shamir

Adaptation and Direction: Mor Frank |
Adaptation Partner: Avner Ben-Amos |
Design: Kinneret Kisch | Lighting Advisor: Judy Kupferman | Sound Advisor: Roy Yarkoni | Assistent Director / Production: Gabriella Willenz

Actors: Ronen Babluki, Shirley Gal, Assaf Degani\ Ehud Vardi, Adi Meirovitch

Artistic Consultation: Ruth Kanner

Premiere: 26.4.2013, Tel Aviv Museum of Art


“I would like to thank you for the meaningful experience that I had, thanks to you… We, the survivors, return during the commemorative ceremony of “Gat ha’Amakim” to the most joyous days of our lives, when our youth became one with the youth of the nation, and our wishes became fulfilled through taking care of the needs of the community”.


(From a letter of Nathan Cohen, sent to the Cameri Theatre actors, after watching the second, 1956 production of the show “He Walked in the Fields”).

About "He Is Walking (again) in the Fields" >>